Find suppliers

To find suppliers you can choose to either publish a project or search amongst our already existing suppliers. You do this by clicking Find suppliers and choose the category you are looking for.

You can also make a lot of choices from a set of different parameters to find more specifically what you are looking for.

Time Tracker app

Just push start when you start the day and press stop when finished. Automatically the time ads to your invoice.

Coming soon   |

Invoicing without your own company

You can create invoices without your own company for only 2.5% of the invoice amount. Gigger handles all administration like invoicing, taxes, sick pay, pension, insurance and so on.


Get access to more RFQs, get a bigger portfolio and stock more of your experience. Read more

Find projects

As a supplier you can click Find project and search for the projects you feel fits your profile. You can also choose projects depending on place, budget, period of time and plenty more. And of course, be sure to have your own profile up to date with as much information as possible to make it easier for suppliers to find you directly.

Publish projects

Publish projects, big and small, that you need help with. You can do it both privately for your home and for your work.

Find projects

As a supplier you can click Find project and search for the projects you feel fits your profile. You can also choose projects depending on place, budget, period of time and plenty more. And of course, be sure to have your own profile up to date with as much information as possible to make it easier for suppliers to find you directly.

Customer service

Through our customer service you can get the help you need on every web page by clicking the green button in the right hand corner. Find the answer to your question or send the question to our customer support.


Self employment

Focus on what you do best, your job. Let us handle the rest. As a private person without a business you can accept projects via Gigger by becoming ”Self employed”. By this we mean you are temporarily employed by Gigger during the project and we handle all administration such as invoices, taxes, payment, employer contributions and sick pay. Terms and Conditions.

For this all you pay is 2.5% of the total invoice amount. See all conditions under


With our scheduling system you can strucurize your projects and get a good overview for when your employees are working and let them know when there are spots open.

Academy – help

In our Academy page there are videos describing how you are best using our platform.

Find new supplies

Is for example you cleaning company the right match for you? Let them prove themselves by publish a project and let them and others bid on your project to find the best match. Or just have a look amongst other cleaning companies that have published their profiles.


If you want to create an invoice without setting up a deal via you are very welcome to do so. All you need to do is log in, go to the dashboard and click Manual invoice. Just make sure the recipient is a member at Gigger and we handle the rest.